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Life Talk!

what is the best trust in world?



what is the best trust in the world is question for all you.

i think the best trust in the world is that only one god (allah) in our world who create every thing in our live and make us able to think , to eat , to drink , to update our science and live , and also he send prophets to guide us to do good works and have saturation of spiritual and to guide us out of hill and out of bad works such as terrorism . losing our self….................etc

05:52 AM May 06 2010 |

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The best trust(troubie) in the world is , the hacker when Google site meet is China's GongAn network police .

07:09 AM May 06 2010 |

Fanny Peng

Fanny Peng


The best trust in world, not God, just our mind , I think.

07:28 AM May 06 2010 |



you must think who find you in live,you will say your fathers.

but who find your fathers and grand fathers and all people and who create sky and earth who give us different plants from the same earth and water?

if i told you that i saw tree was grew and then smashed itself to slabs of wood then made itself as ship then transferred it self to the water and sailed in the sea,do you believe me?

i knew if you have good mind you will say no i can not believe you , i ask you haw you believe the our world with out god(allah).

if you think that allah (god) create the world, he only can organize the world and order us and we must hear to him and carry out his orders becouse his order are in our interests.

i believe that mouslims only believe that and so they live good life regardless of the money increase or decrease with him

10:50 AM May 06 2010 |



thank you for your comment who are from saudia aribia but do you mouslim?

if yes you shouldnot say that and you must respect the words about islam or our trust in allah (our god)

03:03 PM May 06 2010 |


United Kingdom

I think everything is the best trust .if you treat everyone sincerely.

06:15 AM May 11 2010 |