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Life Talk!




Moldova, Republic Of

let's try to find positive aspects in everything… write a thing that annoys you or you just feel unhappy about it and another person will write a positive aspect of it then!
EXAMPLE: 1) I hate arrogant persons
              2) ...but near that kind of people you understand how good and well 
mannered  you are

07:10 AM Aug 14 2007 |

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Moldova, Republic Of

this mean you are a super human being, a pure one or  you just have a real calm atmosphere there.

i don't like when somebody smokes near me

11:32 AM Oct 01 2007 |

sensitive heart

United States

i feel the same way too, but be glad ur not the one who smokes and have people deslike u, not to mention having the choice to either move away or ask the person to do so themselves. Plus u save money.Money mouth

I dislike coruppted corporations and for working for them.

07:48 PM Oct 01 2007 |



me too… i don't know a positiv aspect for thisSurprised

 you can be a rich person working for them… but i don't think it's a good aspect 

i HATE when somebody tell me the end of filmYell

02:55 AM Oct 03 2007 |



Viet Nam

sometimes you can’t do as you said.But I support your idea and I’ll try to do it:D. All people are very beautiful when they smile, aren’t they?

03:54 AM Oct 03 2007 |



Moldova, Republic Of

yes, indeed. All people are very beautiful when they smile.

I don't know if i told it once, but.. I hate to cry… or not to be in a mood… 

07:25 AM Oct 09 2007 |




that would make life easier. but are you deceiving yourself by "find positive aspects"?? life's not always positive

01:56 PM Oct 09 2007 |



Moldova, Republic Of

well einai, i agree, but trying to find positive aspects make it more interesting. So, tell me what does disturb you? What do you hate?


03:00 PM Oct 14 2007 |