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Life Talk!




Moldova, Republic Of

let's try to find positive aspects in everything… write a thing that annoys you or you just feel unhappy about it and another person will write a positive aspect of it then!
EXAMPLE: 1) I hate arrogant persons
              2) ...but near that kind of people you understand how good and well 
mannered  you are

07:10 AM Aug 14 2007 |

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wendy wang

wendy wang


But it will be a subtle sweet feeling, when you sink deeply into a couch,mind wandering in the memories of the past happy time when you stayed with them.

besides,when you grow up, you can do the things you would like to do using the money you make by youself, doesn't it sound cool?

I hate attending oral english course because i spent lots of money there but got little.

03:00 PM Sep 13 2007 |



Moldova, Republic Of

Firatim, you can never know is it a lie world or a really one, even i am confused sometimes. We should adapt ourselves to this world: if everybody lies – you can also try, if everybody loves- you can also do it, if everybody hate… oops.. i don't want to tell this.. but you can pretend you hate… otherwise you will look as a stranger in this world, don't you think?

wendy wang 
is it a forced course or what? just don't do it, be here on ebaby-you'll save your money, you'll have fun and you'll get more for sure.

I hate to regeret something.

11:59 AM Sep 14 2007 |

wendy wang

wendy wang


regretting is a part of life and people can learn a lesson from each regretting.

Let it go… nothing serious.

I hate crowds, so noisy… 


06:46 AM Sep 16 2007 |



Moldova, Republic Of

but crowds mean people, men and women.. you can meet there a person you haven't seen "for ages" but you can also meet there a nice person you haven't 
seen  before.. furthermore crowds as usual mean a feast, a holiday..

i hate to be late… (it happens sometime)

01:55 PM Sep 18 2007 |

sensitive heart

United States

I hate the fact that I am at war, and my wife has cheated on me and has gotten pregnant of that man while her and I have a child of our own which is about a year and 6 months. I have only been married to her for about a year actually two while being in Iraq but I don't count that. And the man that she is with is also married and has a child of his own as well. I had found out she was pregnant in the wrong way, due to the fact that she was going to fight another woman while I was talking to her on the phone from Iraq. I hurt so bad for a while because being down here made me deffensless. There was nothing that I can do but to carry on with doing missions. Now that the time draws near going back home, I am both excited and nervous. Excited, because I can't wait to see my son, and nervous because here I was suppose to come back to a family and now I am not, and I don't know what to do other than just get a divorce I hate to be alone. And I know I am some what not alone because of my son. But copanion wise I dislike it very much. 

04:09 PM Sep 18 2007 |




I see and sorry for you but firstly you can take some lessons from these..first of all never give anybody more value than they deserve…and never trust people at least not much…if I were you,I can start a new life we born only once in life and you have to come to yourself and try to find a new woman you can completely change your life and help you to forget all…then you gonna see how beautiful the life is I am sure

12:35 AM Sep 19 2007 |

sensitive heart

United States

Yes, I understand what you are telling me. But there is no one nor anything that can make a persons memory just forget, especially when the two have created another being out of compassionate love. Yes I will start a new life indeed, because that is all a person can ever do in life which is to move on. Although when the other half does not allow it's half to move on due to their sorrow and regret, and use numerous excuses on why they think they did was right, but know it was wrong so that they feel better about themselves. So as they fight to convince themselves they tend to cling on to their half until they believe their half understands the same way they do. So through my young one she holds me and over powers. But that is all she has against me which is enough to hold me. To me I see, what is done is done and cannot be undone. We are where we are for what we do and for what we do we must make the best of it. But for one that cannot forgive themsevles nor forgive the other will live forever unhappy. So if one half is unhappy it will try to make the other feel the same until they are happy. So it is as basically a never ending war till both sides of the half are happy. The lesson that I have learned is not to be blind ever again. Because the past can repeat itself if you allow it to. Other than that, thank you for your reply and your words will be noted.

01:54 AM Sep 19 2007 |



Moldova, Republic Of

I wish I could tell you 'yes, i know what you are feeling now' but the only sincere thing i can tell you is that 'i guess it is a real tragedy'. It's an ashame for her not to apreciate true feelings (because nowadays it's hard to find true love and care). And just think for a while YOU COULD LIVE WITH HER FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.. it would have been a bigger tragedy don't you think? But if there is a child the situation gets worse.. but..you know.. love and care can't be hidden I am sure your 
little angel will love you and an important thing is not to let him live in the middle of blame and quarrels… I know that everything will be just fine in your life, it's important for you to realize that. As the saying is – the thing (the situation) that don't kill us, make us stronger instead…

I hate bipolar people

09:29 AM Sep 21 2007 |




in fact i know  we re in a lie world coz it s so accordıng to my relıgıon (islam) and i belıeve it with my whole heart …but sometımes thıs lıe world  may be so borıng that i dont know what to do .. so that tıme i just need a good frıend i know thanks

03:11 PM Sep 21 2007 |

wendy wang

wendy wang


It is very difficult to get along with bipolar people….................

01:48 PM Sep 23 2007 |