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Aftermath English, baby! Video Lesson

Date: May 26 2009

Themes: Friend

Grammar: Past Progressive Tense


1. Learn Vocabulary - Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.

2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

It’s hard to imagine something as crazy as going for a walk one night and seeing two of your friends arresting the evil twin of another one of your friends. But that’s what happened to Devan and Jason last week on the soap opera. They were out on a romantic walk when they saw Dale and Ella arresting Evil Beren, who had kidnapped Beren months ago.

So after a night like that, what do you do the next day? Watch as the group tries to decide if they still want to be friends with Ella and Dale, who ever since the first night they met, have been lying to them.

Can’t see the video below? You can watch it here.

3. Watch - Watch the video without reading the dialog.


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.













Beren:  And then, after my evil twin traded me to the police for her demands...I don’t know what they were really. Money probably. Here I am.

Devan:  That is so insane.

Mason:  It’s like “Days of Our Lives” crossed with “General Hospital” crossed with “Twin Peaks.”

Marni:  It’s pretty crazy.

Beren:  It was really crazy. I mean, we look exactly the same. Who would’ve thought?

Devan:  I know. I mean, I didn’t even know you had a twin.

Beren:  I didn’t know I had a twin.

Marni:  Were you separated at birth?

Beren:  I don’t know. It could be a clone.

Marni:  Wow.

Mason:  Is she a monkey clone?

Beren:  Maybe. I’m not sure.

Devan:  I’m so glad you’re back, but what’d you guys think about the fact that Dale and Ella were lying to us this entire time about being cops? I don’t know if I can trust them anymore.

Marni:  Yeah.

Mason:  I hadn’t thought about that.

Marni:  I don’t know how I feel about that. It kinda stings a little.

Mason:  It stings a lot!

Beren:  They saved me. They rescued me.

Devan:  They did save you, but can’t we still be…Do they even want to be our friends or were they just using us? You know?

Mason:  Can I trust them?

Marni:  Yeah. I don’t know.

Mason:  Guys, guys.

Dale:  Hey. Hey guys. How you guys doin’?

Devan:  Speak of the devil or the cops.

Dale:  I know you guys are kinda mad.

Ella:  So, you know, we’re cops, but we were doing this for the good…We had to save you, you know.

Beren:  I understand.

Ella:  We couldn’t blow our cover. I mean, headquarters would kill us, basically.

Devan:  But you lied to us.

Ella:  Yeah.

Ella:  We had to. I mean, would you rather us lie and then her be dead?

Devan:  Do you even value our friendship?

Dale:  We do. That’s the reason why… We do! I value your friendship. Don’t you remember all the good times? I mean…

Mason:  Dale.

Dale:  When we played football?

Mason:  Look what I’m drinking right now.

Dale:  I know. Remember the time we were drinking? Remember the time you were sick and I took care of you?

Mason:  You think…

Dale:  Remember the three-legged race? Remember all those times?

Mason:  Just holding this hurts.

Dale:  Well, you know, you have to remember we really did this for Beren. We wanted to. Without her being kidnapped, we would never have met.

Ella:  That’s true.

Dale:  That’s important.

Ella:  I mean, we still want to be friends and hang out. Just set aside that we’re cops.

Dale:  Just forget about that, OK? We’re friends, man.

Devan:  I want to be friends.

Dale:  It’s important!

Devan:  Yeah! Friends.

Dale:  It’s important.

Devan:  High-five. I’m so glad you were kidnapped so we could meet them.

Dale:  I’m glad you’re OK.

Beren:  Thank you.


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Everyone is in shock over what happened to Beren. Mason compares the events to the plot of some famous soap operas. As the group is talking about Beren’s rescue, Devan brings up Dale and Ella. They’ve been so nice, but they’ve also been lying. But the lies saved Beren’s life. It’s complicated.

Just then, Dale and Ella walk in. They explain that they really like Mason, Devan and all their friends and that they hope they can still hang out. At first, everyone is still mad at them, but Dale reminds them of the fun they’ve had and starts crying and everyone agrees to stay friends.

Would you have stayed friends with Dale and Ella? They did save Beren, but they also lied. Have you ever discovered that a friend lied to you?



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First of all, it's really sweet that Ebaby gave us a diversion in Vimeo, since YouTube is blocked in China. Thank you very much. But can you change the settings? it said "Sorry, you do not have permission to watch this private video. "

Dale and Ella are just doing their job, cops have to keep some secrets. Not only cops, everyone has the secrets they don't wanna talk, don't push them if you don't wanna listen to any lies.

I can feel that my friend maybe telling lies to some questions they don't want to answer, it's ok with me. But I really hate to be used for some personal profit, I definitely don't want any friends doing this. My rule is you can hide, but you never lie.

I'm happy that they finally end up keeping their friendship.

04:09 AM May 26 2009 |



someone can lie for a good sake, kinda white lie..and you have to hear the exactly reasons why someone lie.

03:34 AM May 26 2009 |




forgive our friends and give them more chance,which means more opportunity for ourself to receive friendship and love.

02:13 AM May 26 2009 |



Saudi Arabia

all right…..about realy friendshiplike say             TRUE FRIENDSHIP "NEVER" ENDS, Friends are FOREVER

01:58 AM May 26 2009 |



If my friends lied to me, I would get crazy. But if they lied to me because of some 

special reason, just like the plot of the soap opera, maybe, I could forgive them.

01:56 AM May 26 2009 |

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