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Second Conditional

Date: Nov 16 2011

Themes: Hobbies, Travel

Grammar: Second Conditional


1. Learn Vocabulary - Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.

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2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

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If you think about it, gambling is a pretty strange way to pass the time. You put your money into a machine or give it to a dealer, and in return you get…nothing, usually.

Or maybe you do get something. You get the thrill of taking a risk. And there’s a chance you might get the much bigger thrill of winning. Just don’t hold your breath.

Mason recently took a trip to Las Vegas. Hear him and Jason talk about gambling.



1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Mason:  I was in Las Vegas earlier this year, and in general, I just don’t understand why people like gambling.

Jason:  Really?

Mason:  Well, it’s really about what are the stakes, right? Like, in Vegas, it’s really expensive to gamble. You know, if you’re gonna play like 10, 15 dollars a hand to play blackjack, you have to have a lot of money that you’re willing to put at risk.

Jason:  That’s true. Well, I don’t know, I think the thrill is the getting rich quick. It’s a rush when you turn that $5 into 80, and then 800 if you’re really good. But the trick is to walk away at that point, which is so hard for people.

Mason:  Right. And it is very addictive when you’re in that moment, like, “Hey, I just won something! I should probably keep doing this so I will win more.”

Jason:  Yeah, it doesn’t make a lot of sense, because the odds just are not in your favor. But it’s fun. You get to sit there and hang out with the dealer, have a drink.

Mason:  I think if it were more common, like if you could gamble legally everywhere, it would lose its luster pretty quick.

Jason:  That’s true. Well, it’s like a travel event for a lot of people, unless you live in one of those rare places where you can gamble. It’s something you do as a tourist, so you’re a little looser with your money.


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Mason recently went to Las Vegas. But he didn’t hit the jackpot. In fact, he doesn’t understand why people enjoy gambling. To him, it is just too expensive.

Jason says people like to gamble because of the rush they get if they win something. But the problem is that most people don’t stop gambling after they’ve won. They keep going. And eventually, they’re almost certain to lose.

Mason thinks that if gambling were legal everywhere, people wouldn’t be as interested in it. Jason agrees that most people gamble when they’re on vacation, so they might be less concerned than usual about spending lots of money.

Do you like to gamble? Is it legal to gamble in any parts of your country?

Dale recently went to a casino. Read about it on his blog.



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I don’t like gambling. So far I know, it is not legal but peoples play everwhere in any parts of my country.

10:10 AM Nov 16 2011 |



Sri Lanka

I want to keep going on this English lessons…Laughing

06:27 AM Nov 16 2011 |




I like what Mason and Jason  were talking about.  I wouldn`t say i was an addicted but  i was way way into roulette gambling. My experience  in Las Vegas is that i don´t remember seeing  gamblers leaving the table with money in their pockets.It Is true that the adrenaline  that  is produced in our bodies when gambling is a  important factor   at  the time of playing. Also , we must  take into consideration that in Las Vegas casinos offer free booze to the gamblers . alcohol  powers the addiction  in many cases.

03:05 PM Nov 15 2011 |

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