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What does "rough" mean?

Vocabulary Word: rough

1. Definition (adj.) harsh, rugged; not easy; not fun to endure

Examples Parts of Alaska can still be pretty rough. It can be scary to be there.

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2. Definition (adj.) difficult, not easy; not fun to endure; not fun to do

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3. Definition (adj.) harsh, rugged; not soft

Examples That guy looks rough. I wouldn’t want to talk to him. He could be dangerous.

Examples That guy looks rough. I wouldn’t want to talk to him. He could be dangerous.

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4. Definition (adj.) difficult

Examples Running a marathon is really hard. It’s over 26 miles!

Examples I had a tough math test last week!

Examples My first year of college was really tough, but it got easier as I went along.

Examples Running the whole 5 miles was rough. I didn’t think I was going to make it past 4.

Examples I used to work downtown, but that was too tough for me, so I transferred to another office.

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