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March 13, 2008

Entry for March 06, 2008
Do you know what it feels like when a person who is close to you still criticizing you even if you work hard to be a better human being, to be a better mother, to be a better housewife?A person who is critizing you when you want to be a wife in a sense of lover too? It's nothing pleasant.
It's difficult for a woman with low self-estimate to change herself immediately. Such person needs acceptance, understanding and support.But when a close person shows displeasure to you instead of acceptance, unserstanding and support an he sees only your bad sides and can't see your
good sides, it's just terrible.
In such moments you feel like noone and it's justified.
In such moments you just want to die.
In such moments you just think to yourself that everything does'n t make sense and you don't want to do anything to improve yourself.
Fortunately, you have friends, who help you when you need it...
And thanks to them you have a hope for a better future life.:)

March 13, 2008

Entry for March 06, 2008
Who am I?
Very important question.
Very helpful question.
I'm A HUMAN BEING. I 'm A WOMAN. I'm a mother. I'm a wife.
Besides I'm a sensitive, emotional, shy, honest, sincere, modest, with sense of humour, rather social person.
I'm a person who wants to live any special way, not ordinary way; who wants to live intensively.
I'm person who is trying to see good nature in every human being.
I'm person who is trying to see good sights of all type of situations: good and bad.
I'm person who wants to get as much knowledge about other people and about the world as it is possible.
Life can be very interesting even if you are just an ordinary housewife and a mother.
It depends only on you if your life is boring or if it's interesting and every day is filled with something new, interesting, incredible.......
Especially when your children are not in 100% healthy..

To be continued:)

March 13, 2008

Entry for March 05, 2008
If it's true that someone reads it, it's incredible. I decided to write in English firstly because I feel more anonymous here on yahoo. The main reason of writing this blog is to practise the art of writing to make my dream come true about writing a novel:)
This will be a novel about it how to change from "nobody" to "somebody" and how interesting and incredible things may happen to an ordinary housewife and a mummy.
Men find me very attractive and they could never believe that few years ago I used to be uglier and fatter. I could never believe that being over 30, I may be an object of desire for many many men and not only in Poland.:)
The most strange in that all is the fact that I'm not a very proud, conceited or something.
I'm just modest, shy, kind, gentle.
My story is going to be about it how to change our life with help other people when you had no happy childhood, when you had a low self-esteem.

To be continued:)