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meow-meow Dialy

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August 1, 2008

Today the neighborhood is open stalls in the evening, quite a success.
Wearing a yukata is a lot of women. Too cute.

With selling surface, scooping goldfish, eel fishing! Surprise!!

Archery (cork-popper with a shot at the floor if you drop Get!), But it was.

"Chow mein" after eating a chocolate banana, you want to shop
The last one!

Managed to buy.

"WATA Candy" I know it?
Clouds like candy for me.

Oh, I did.

More entries: home theater, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Opening Ceremony at home while watching TV (2), The sunrise this morning (3), Dog Parking, I Cooked Pizza Margarita at Home (3), Let's singing! KARAOKE marathon 6 hour!, Today's Dinner, Summer Festival , Today's Dinner (2), Today's dinner (1)

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