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Why is this world so fucked up, come out with your opinion guys and galz




My name is Jitesh and I am from India, I guess you would know where is India but for those people who don't know where is India it is in south Asia.

I am very disturbed and pissed off with what is happening in the world. There is so much of bloodshed, corruption, hypocrisy, double standards and other thing that are rampant in this world nowadays. 

That is why I have given this caption “Why is this world so fucked up “ and that’s the reason I have started this forum. The reason for starting this forum is to get people from all over the world to present there forthright views and to get some concrete ideas regarding this issue, On how we can improve this world and what can be done by an ordinary citizen like us, So that we are able to contribute to this world in a better way.


09:13 AM Dec 19 2006 |

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"Why is this world so fucked up?"

There is no concrete answer for these question. We'll get ourselves trapped in blaming people, and at the end blaming him/herself too. I wanna ask to each person who has sent his/her opinion to this forum. Do you, in your whole life, feel that you are better, purer, kinder, than somebody you are blaming at? I just think that most of us, including me perhaps, just like a football commentator but actually can not play football. NATO (No Action Talk Only). So let's start from ourselves, don't give a damn care to the corrupt, hypocritical, double standard person,I believe this nature and its creator will give them their lesson and even punishment.

05:55 PM Jul 27 2008 |




all what can i say 2 u is belive in God thats all man god can do wonders 2 all

05:26 AM Jul 28 2008 |




first of all,i am sorry to hear the story of Caliguy .

Hope you well as soon as possible.

My opinion is the world is really FUCKED UP.

I am a senstive person,i always find so many pity guys in the world.they lose the basic right in the society,no where to express their angry ,or ask for help.

There are full with the kill,rob,hurt,fight,wars in all the media:newspaper,tv,internet.

Gandhi has said we should not read the newspaper,because that confused our original view of the world.

I agree with this point;but the real world make me disappointed.A simple question:How can U.S fight with afghanistan,Iraq,and the next enemy North korea,Iran!Who give US right to do that?Just look around these world,they suffered the pain of relative lose,no house,no food,suffer hungry,dry,thirsty~

who make the world so fucked up??

i don't know!

for instance,China has a long long history,in the previous dynasty,we all fight with each other, the strong ones crackdown the weak ones;always the weak one could not find a safe place;every society is same,everytime is same.

In fact,there is no difference in any dynasty;it's the sadness of human being.

I am so disappointed for the world.Whe i was a little kid,i was educated to be a good person in the future,teacher always teach us should be nice to the others;we shoud try our best to protect our country,a lot of decent educations;but when we grew up,we find the world is totally different from what we learned before.

We are nice to people,but they reward us with the hate and want to get some profit from you.we try to be a honest and good person,but the some one can get promotion by defeating us with dirty means.

And the worst is when you tell out the truth,someone  who always play as a judge,they jump out and cry:no,you are wrong,the world is full of love,full of generous~;the world is right,but you are wrong,you are a angry youth!


I hate it!

If there are choices,i want to become a bird in next life.Do not be a human again!

Just out of the human being world,even one day i die in the hand of a hunter!


08:14 AM Jul 28 2008 |

foley 17

United States

the world isn't fucked up, its just confused. people have been doing the same things that we see today throughout history. there's always been war conflict and bloodshed. people hear about that stuff and just ignore it, cause its become common. people want it to stop either don't know how or don't feel strongly enough about it to do anything about it. with god and the government people are told that everything will eventually sort itself out and will eventually be fine. 

05:56 PM Oct 19 2008 |

The Seeker

United States

Hey all. My point of view is coming from spending my 19 years in Utah. Anyway the thing that I have noticed with people is that damn near everyone thinks that they aren't good enough. The American society has fucked us. We are all made to think that we have to be perfect and since we have to be perfect then everyone else has to be as well…. That is wrong… Us being humans we are not perfect and can never be perfect. People need to start accepting that no one is perfect and that when someone fucks up you need to forgive them. Some cases you may not be able to do it to their face but you need to at least forgive them in yourself…. So I have this little story on my fridge at my house… I'm not going to type the whole thing but I will give you the basis of it…. There are two questions in life. The first is "Where are you going?" and the second is "Who's going with you?" if you ever get those two questions out of order your life will end up going to shit… People get those two mixed up and then they end up resenting the person that they went with… and there come divorce and abuse. People need to not care what others think of them… If someone calls you fat who fucking cares…. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks only what you think…. Another thing that we need to stop with is all these drugs…. If there is anything slightly wrong with anyone out answer is drug them and ignore the problem instead of actually trying to help them deal with the problem. People need to realize that everything they go through and everything they think has already been experienced and thought about already…. there is no originality to this world. People think that is a bad thing… It's not it's just fact… You can lie to yourself all day but in the end your sub conscious will let you know exactly what is going on… That's when people feel they hit rock bottom… when they are exposed to the truth… Truth is not something to run from… yeah it hurts but over all it's the best thing you can believe in.. obviously truth is opinion so when I say truth I mean your truth… everyone knows their truth… sometime you just have to dig into deep tender areas in order to get to it…. Sorry I've been running on a tangent… Anyway back to why the world is so fucked…. Everyone is equal. No one is better than anyone else, that right there causes issues. One of the big things that I have seen with this is that alot of people think that they are worst than everyone else but they lie to themselves or the people around them and it ends up the person that they are talking about doesn't think they are better and then shit just goes down hill from there. I agree that everyone needs to do there part to make the world better… my issue is that I have no idea what I can do. I guess considering that I'm 19 I have a lot of years left to figure it out… I just hope that by it won't be to late when I figure it out.

11:35 PM Nov 20 2008 |




The world is fucked up because it's always been fucked up. I can't think of a time that it wasn't. some may have been worse than others and now days it might be worst of all, but it's always been the elite vs the general masses. it's a pyramid from bottom all the way up to the top. kind of like on the back of the united states 1 dollar bill. the very top piece is seperated and illuminated(unreachable). knowledge is power and to know where you are you must first know where you've come from. the people in the know have always controlled the population. remember that most media is propaganda. most things people believe as fact actually never happened at all and the things that actually happen are most spectacular of all. the truth is most definitely stranger than fiction. the thing is if people ever knew what really goes on there would be revolutions worldwide. intelligence seperates us. everyone can't run the world because everyone is not qualified to do so and the people who are become corrupt because that's the way the system is set up so everything can be controled,

02:46 AM Dec 30 2008 |



 The world is not "fucked up". Why we acustomed asuse the life or the world in all bad that happened with ourselves. People and their habits, behaves are the main cause of all that above mentioned cases.
we can change all that ourselves, but we must try do it. Happiness of each person in his(her) own hands. covetousness, avarice can we live without it? When we find an answer to this ? we may have other life. try to answer this ?.

06:58 AM Dec 30 2008 |

dirk cao


because humans avarice

01:12 PM Dec 30 2008 |



United States

This world is the world. The world is not fair. The world, its inhabitants, its reasoning, its greed, hunger, lust, happiness, grace—none of them are fair. We live, we die. We need faith; we have religions. We decide ourselves what to believe in.

So I say now, the question is not "Why is this world so f* up", but "What is the meaning of life?"

These are similar questions, and they are obviously not very easily answered. Be glad with what you have, and help others with what you have.

06:40 AM Dec 31 2008 |

Fly fish

Fly fish


We can not choose our birth,so why not enjoy our life. good luck!

09:18 AM Dec 31 2008 |