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Life Talk!

Do you feel that life is beautiful...? How



Fiends, I have heard from many friends that,

"Life is beautiful",what do you feel …?

Do you really realise that life is beautiful or just joking…?

06:31 PM Feb 02 2008 |

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life is always beautiful but whith people true around you not people that wish you all the bad things in all this world, for exemple they can wish you jail, they can manipulate you, they want to be your dictator boss at any price ( ur life health ….).

they want to control your existance, they don't hear you but they hang you whith their thought that you have nothing to had whith that, they inter in your private live they watch you sleeping …

what great life and what great friends really i want to have foul of friends like thouse million of friends like thouse. live is always beatyfull whith them the real happiness in this world .

04:28 PM Feb 24 2008 |



i think life will be more happy as you love yourself but that is difficult it is a way you have do go it that is beautiful isnt it

06:16 PM Feb 24 2008 |




life is beautiful when it goes smooth, but when it get rough i feel out of order from life. But most of all without life we can't be able think about whether it is beautiful or not. So life beautiful or not? but we have to lead our life anyway. So even if better or not when have to make better, then we will must be found one day that life is beautiful.

06:48 PM Feb 24 2008 |




I feel good that most of my friends feel that life is beautiful,it's their good attitude or I can say positive attitude…but attitude is just an attitude… it's a coloured goggeles as one want to see the world green he wears green goggels.. we feel that world has become green… but it does't mean that world has changed the colour….

our mind loves to have consolations which we get from the feeling that life is beautifull…I also feel so ,I am not an exception….

I feel that life is just an life… there is no sorrow no happines..existentially all depends upon our desires…. & dearms…

03:17 PM Feb 25 2008 |



United Arab Emirates



this site can change your life for ever to happy person iam not joking

 try it u will not lose any thing


06:19 PM Feb 25 2008 |