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Life Talk!




Moldova, Republic Of

let's try to find positive aspects in everything… write a thing that annoys you or you just feel unhappy about it and another person will write a positive aspect of it then!
EXAMPLE: 1) I hate arrogant persons
              2) ...but near that kind of people you understand how good and well 
mannered  you are

07:10 AM Aug 14 2007 |

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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

It can be a good occasion for leaving a lovely message on the answering machine. Of course it's in the case you call a friend. Otherwise you can make fun of the stupid message of the answering machine (you know like "Hi this is bobby, I'm not here and my wife too. If it's my boss,I'll be back to work in a minute. If you're not my boss, I'm drinking some beers with friends so don't argument too much in your message coz I'll be drunk when I listen to it").

I hate  when I order a pizza and the pizzaiolo put anchovy in it, even if I didn't ask for it.

09:55 AM Aug 30 2007 |



Saudi Arabia

This's the life ,you've to deal with it very well,you know that every one has enemies from different places ,maybe that the worker there's one of your unknown enimies and know the things you hate ,therefore ( he / she) adds them  to your favorite food even you ask ( him / her ) to not add these things .This's the only possible reason ,lol.

I hate to listen to someone about important thing when I feel sleepy ,because it's difficult to concentrate on what ( he , she ) says very well.Frown

11:22 AM Aug 30 2007 |




hate  myself for so lost

11:41 AM Aug 30 2007 |



Moldova, Republic Of

But being selfish let you appreciate and love yourself and it is very important for self-confidence, don't you think? actually i always 
knew it but yesterday i understood it for sure.

i don't like to be the last person who finds out smth  

06:25 AM Sep 05 2007 |


Russian Federation

in this way you have less head ache, so be happy

I don't like to learn

11:47 AM Sep 07 2007 |



Saudi Arabia

I am sure that you're kidding .Anyway,knowledge can change a poor country to be a rich country ,Knowledge is the  weapon and key to success.The best country in the world has the best knowledge.People deal with others whether they're good ,or not according to their knowledge.When Malaysia had decided to be an industrual country ,it changed the materials which were taught  there to be industrial ones and much better.Then it became what it wanted, so don't ever think to stop learning ,because without it ,there would be no life .

it's really not good to hate someone which was your friend without any reason,this has happened to me  few times . I hate very nice people suddenly ,sometimes that leads me to end a friendship ,is that case natural ?I am sure that  it happens to some of you.




05:12 AM Sep 08 2007 |



Moldova, Republic Of

if you start hate them maybe they are not as good as you think, because even if everything shows you they are good persons, inside you feel a kind of disconfort 
which mean they don't suit you for any reason.
So, it's better to feel confortable in a relation even if this mean to argue.

I started to hate holidays

10:51 AM Sep 10 2007 |



Saudi Arabia

But,holidays make you active,you return to your work or school with your activity .Imagine your self without a holiday ,you might leave your job or school,all the things will be boring ,we’re not machines to work 24 hours a day for ever .I agree with you that if a holiday’s too long ,in this case ,you will be really bored …
I hate to be informed about what I am supposed to do many times when I know what I do ,especially when the one who informs you ,thinks that you don’t get an idea ,or to understand things very well…

11:06 AM Sep 11 2007 |



Moldova, Republic Of

But don't you think  that person keeps on telling you what to do because he/she is afraid not to forget this, too? So it can be considered as his/her problem because this mean she/he doesn't understand the things very well so this person keeps on telling it and telling.

I don't like to see how the time passes, i mean i know that i am still young (and luckily i still will be) but when i remember that i've graduated the liceum 4 years ago…i understand that some time passed.. and i am not a pupil anymore… and i haven't seen my teachers for so long, and my classmates too..

06:45 AM Sep 13 2007 |




yes it s s oborıng to consıder that u re beıng older and older but to me ıt s good coz u cant marry u cant have a work or carrier without beıng older and i want to say what i hate most İ hate living in this lie world really it s so boring maybe we can thınk about real world :D

02:54 PM Sep 13 2007 |