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Mickee's blog

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October 26, 2009

Election here in the Philippines is coming next year and I really wish that people should be senseable enough to vote who’s worth voting.  Philippines needs a politic change, so people need to be wise and make sure that that politician they are planning to vote for is someone who has the key for the changes. People must be smart enough and not to believe in just an advertisement by those politicians. We should see what the standing of that person, their background and what project they’ve already done. Sometimes politicians use convincing advertisement for us to believe that they are a good person/better person so we have to vote them. I really pray that this election God give us the wisdom to vote the right person. I hate the fact that, politicians are only helping poor people when the election is near, they give money, they visits each cities and town which unmistakingly those money they are spending for are people’s money and then after the election “goodbye people" Some people are ignorant by simply believing in just a word spit out by the good-actor-politicians, are they blind? We should remember that one mistake of ours, the whole country will suffer. So this election try to be wise rather than ignorant, this is the least we can share to the changes that we are all dreaming.

More entries: The killer disasters (1), I don't like messenger, I'm back! Miss y'all sweeties, just a short post for tonight LOL (7), Way back into high school life (2), The OC (9), The Vampire Diaries (6), add me on facebook, err I'm back! (4), Remember me vs. The runaways

View all entries from Mickee's blog >

06:55 AM Oct 26 2009



Yup, fully agree with you. They are just wanted to win, not to help people or the whole country but to corrupt. They are so selfish, what's the purpose of their hearts?

02:54 AM Oct 26 2009


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I hope your election be right and good.

I think the most of election is a kind of game to obtain power and money.so many of politicians make much guile with people to get more votes and obtain power and money.

The most of politicians isnt honest with their people and the most of them is lieing for people!

But I dont know when is election we what to do!

01:45 AM Oct 26 2009


I didn't make any choice on last Indonesian election, that was for the first time...(I know that was not good) but the system made it so. I kind of sick of what  happened recently in Indonesia.